Skin Care and Hair Removal Tips

Tips Before Your Body Wax

Gently exfoliate & moisturize the day before your treatment. This will prepare your skin and remove dead skin cells, ensuring optimal result & better waxing experience.

In order for waxing to be effective the hair should be no shorter than a grain of rice (approx ½ cm). Avoid hot bath, steam room, sauna and overexpose the area you are having waxed to the sun 24hrs before your appointment. Please advise us if you are taking Roaccutane, using steroid creams, had any microdermabrasion, skin peels or are using any products containing AHAs. Do not use oil or any other moisturizers on the area to be treated on the day itself.

Sanitas Products

In general our waxing service will bring minimum to no discomfort. Every person reacts differently to waxing, as we all have different sensitivity levels.Different areas of the body will hurt more than others on certain people. If you are really concerned about pain, about a half hour before waxing, you might want to take an anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen. This can help in two ways: it will provide some pain relswelling.. Particularly for women. Their skin is more sensitive during their monthly cycle, so try to get the wax done at least three days before or after menstruating. Caffeine, menstruation and pregnancy increase skin sensitivity.

Lose your self-consciousness. Don’t worry about feeling embarrassed. There’s nothing th\ therapist have not seen before. The less anxious & the more you relax your muscle, the better your experience will be.

We recommend using a sanitas glycotoner in between waxes to reduce ingrown hairs and redness.