abdominal swelling after mastectomywhat did deluca say to hayes in italian

Hello @almostoutofthewoods and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Its one of several potential treatment options for breast cancer. what could be wrong and what do i do? What are the side-effects they need to be aware of? Use a thimble when sewing. Its likely that youll start out with gentle, low impact exercise and slowly increase in intensity. @trixie1313 yes, am pursuing that. Six years later I have a perfectly flat stomach but can still feel a pull. Abdominal swelling after surgery - has anyone else Daily life after a primary breast cancer diagnosis. Not only can this help you feel more confident, but this individual can also take over if you experience pain or discomfort while driving. Hard to feel good about oneself when you look 8 months pregnant. Connect with thousands of patients and caregivers for support and answers. Mastectomy lymphnodes 15 years ago. It doesn't allow me here. I have mild lymphedema in one arm after a bilateral mastectomy where seventeen lymph nodes were removed. Very long story short I developed lymphedema out of the gate following surgery in my left arm. I do not have it bad like some do. Use of this online service is subject to the disclaimer and the terms and conditions. Most people who have a mastectomy only need a short hospital say. This can include: Its very important to carefully follow all of these instructions after you return home. Weakness is a common side effect to mastectomy patients, especially to those who proceed with reconstructive surgery. So, yes, I have lymphedema and the massage moved a lot of fluid out. Sorry for any confusion. I wear the abdominal binder during the day at work and the shorts if I'm relaxing around the house etc.. It's not", "I had surgery Feb. 27, 2019 and had abdominal swelling. The problem is called standing cone with probably a seroma in it. Melatonin and Breast Cancer: Is it Safe and Can it Help? Many of us spent hours researching our treatment decisions. dog_lover Member Posts: 8. Now lets explore when you may be able to restart certain activities after your mastectomy. Not do vigorous, repetitive movements against resistance with the affected arm. It's very common, especially with those who have had a double mastectomy. Last Thursday, I had a Simple Mastectomy and Sentenal Node Biopsy. A coordinator will follow up to see if Mayo Clinic is right for you. You also need to be comfortable wearing a seatbelt. You should go to a certified lymphedema therapist, or CLT. and feel so much better Thank you. They suggest using an abdominal binder and more importantly going to a physical therapist trained in lymphatic massage. My doctor says it is IBS but my only symptom is bloated belly. You have a foreign object inside your body, which may just want to reject that object. Youll generally need to avoid doing household chores and lifting heavy objects for a set period of time. Funds are paid by Greater Good Charities to benefiting organizations as a grant. however,had a DIEP and ended up with seroma in the abdomen,which capsulated,and removed surgically.Consequently I ended up with scar tissue and a protruding tummy. Sooooo frustrating. What Causes Stomach Bloating After Breast Augmentation Surgery? Please note, we cannot prescribe controlled substances, diet pills, antipsychotics, or other abusable medications. Is there anyway to tell if this is a hematoma orsomething other than normal -without going back to the doctor? Thank you Carr for the valuable information. I am a year out of a bilateral mastectomy with no reconstruction and seem to have developed a lot of belly fat and am taking a anastrozole. All the best to you. Connection & Conversation: Open for the holidays. Its like doctors sometimes you have to search for one who is a good fit for your personality) because I was going to be flying on a vacation and I knew sometimes flying can be a trigger. No chemo or radiation. Lymphedema Thank you in advance for sharing your experience. Although I have been told the common reply from my surgeon and family Dr. that I just didn't see it before because my breasts were there, that is total B.S. I never was informed about the possibility of lymphedema at all by any medical person, but an acquaintance had it so at least I was aware. The hospital and my surgeon said", "Thanks, @amandajro, but agree with @almostoutofthewoods this isnt gastrointestinal bloating which this article addresses. Was told it would get better. Know that, although it may take some time, youll eventually start to feel better. She probably shouldn't experience any swelling if the skin has been placed down flat by the surgeon. My surgeon advised against more ops as he felt It could cause more probs down the line He also said we are just seeing the true complications of TRAM surgery. Connect with thousands of patients and caregivers for support and answers. I had a drain in on either side and developed a couple of Seroma. Belly bloatHi Shirley - I too had my surgery last Thursday - a bilateral mastectomy. A belly binder may just bind the area and not let the lymphs move along. Its lymphatic, not gastrointestinal. I try to get walking in and gym but doesnt seem to help. Also, some elastic type shorts that come up to belly button and that have a wide elastic band for waist. I just googled abdominal lymphedema after breast cancer and yes, I'm sure that is what I have, and many others also have. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. How long was your tummy swollen for? It was part of the reason I had an ER visit post op. I am not fat just looks like a have a basketball under my shirt. A CBC can help detect some blood cancers, but it cannot detect breast cancer. Below, well outline what you can generally expect, both in the hospital and after you return home. Chronic pain after breast surgery: A prospective, observational study. How long would naproxen take to work for me? Hi, I had my mastectomy in April, and ever since the op I've had upper abdominal swelling. Your surgeon can give you a more specific timeline for how long your recovery period may last. (2020). I am really glad you contacted your doctor right away. I saw this video yesterday on youtube explaining swelling after surgery by Dr. William Miami. Keep in mind that the exact timelines can vary based on the type of procedure you have, as well as your overall health. (regarding that, I wonder if guys had needles stuck in their privates if they would be a little more sensitive with their needles???) It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. I hear you. Regular massage, especially deep tissue, can be harmful. Abdominal swelling may have multiple causes as listed by Bookish. Interested in more discussions like this? I'm in crazy California (northern) and have Kaiser Permanente. Complete your request online or contact us by phone. Gone up several sizes despite losing weight. Keep at your PT and massage and other care. (2018). I have not had reconstruction yet and it has been a year. Its hard to get people to understand that. According to the American Cancer Society, most women can return to their normal activities in about 4 weeks. Thanks for listening. I asked her what if I had no arms and she said I was carrying things too far. Its not just discomfort- as we all know how uncomfortable the tightness can be! linwin xx. I might be a big baby, but I was so upset! Thanks again. This is great info. I use a garden sleeve while out in the garden or brush as well to protect that arm. Connect with thousands of patients and caregivers for support, practical information, and answers. (I dont like regular lymphedema compression sleeves but I do like Solidea brand items, which my therapist recommended.) Its most often felt in the areas of the chest wall, armpit, or arm. I also had my lymph node checked on my left side. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and Conditions of Use linked below. Sometimes the fluid can build up again after being drained. I have had bilateral breast cancer with lymph nodes removed and I seem to have to fight to get proper treatment. I had a mastectomy one year ago and now i am noticing swelling and pain in my arm. Its vital that you continue to do these arm and shoulder exercises regularly as you recover. Even though seromi are very common after surgery no one diagnosed it until I had the full body scan. What are some tips for mastectomy recovery? Anyone seeing me would assume that I am six months pregnant. My doctor okayed me to have PT to work on the lymphedema. Lung Cancer Surgery Recovery Time: How Long Does It Take? Its common to have pain or discomfort after a mastectomy. I'm not tiny but I've never had such a big upper tummy! I am not fat just looks like a have a basketball under my shirt. This was my second bout of cancer, as I had a lumpectomy the previous year. I bought the 9" abdominal binder from the medical store called Aids for Recovery. @carr I've tried every logical thing I can think of and nothing helps. I had left mastectomy and few lymph nodesleft side bloating/swelling4 months post op. This can be treated in several ways, including the medications and therapies discussed above. Mine has in ever since chemo so thought it was from that but other folks noticed it after anesthesia. Hopefully others will see this and be helped as well. I was given a PT referral for lymphedema evaluation. DIEP Flap meant I had a chance to regain some of those feelings. Right after surgery, youre limited in your range of motion from the inflammation and tissue healing in your body. @almostoutofthewoods There are different lymphedema pads called "swell spots" that are quite helpful. Go back to your doctor and ask for a scan that will show up fluid. Connect with a U.S. board-certified doctor by text or video anytime, anywhere. Give yourself patience and space to recover. I was very concerned about lymphedema because I was trying to resolve my risks. I wondered also if it is because of being on the AI killing off all estrogen if that was having an effect. Re: Abdominal swelling after surgery - has anyone else had this? They are not keen to remove the fluid unless it is essential, as it tends to build up again quite quickly. About a month after the August surgery my belly became hard and bloated. How". Copyright 2000-2022 Cancer Survivors Network. It's not caused by gas, which most of the suggestions are referring to. I have found the vibration on a cycle track is very good. on the non affected side. It has been almost a month since we talked and you have had your appointments. Before you leave the hospital, youll be shown various arm and shoulder exercises to do during recovery. But on the best positive ever i am 5 years clear . Do not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare provider. I started physical therapy 2 weeks ago and the physical therapist could tell right away that it was fluid. Ask to see a lymphedema specialist for help. It's done to reduce the risk of cancer in people with a high risk of developing breast, Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. The one constant in my treatment has been walking it is free and the very best exercise. It's called MLD, or manual lymphatic drainage. today I am 10 weeks out from my DIEP surgery. When you can start driving again typically depends on how you feel during recovery. I have not had reconstruction yet and it has been a year. This is what I want to know,too. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and Conditions of Use linked below. does it eventually go down? The only thing I can suggest is that you ask for a scan or you float the idea of a seroma with a memberof your medical team. * To protect your identity do not use your full name. September 2009 edited March 2014 #1. My doctor was reluctant to admit lymphedema was a potential problem but finally relented and made the referral. My doctor says it is IBS but my only symptom is bloated belly. Connect with thousands of patients and caregivers for support, practical information, and answers. Connect with thousands of patients and caregivers for support, practical information, and answers. Thank you Jolamine, very helpful, at least I know what to look out for. Thank you! YES, we discussed loss of feeling and sensation in my breasts and armpits. During this time, theyll evaluate your progress, discuss any additional treatments (if needed), and address any concerns you may have. Hello. Also wearing an abdominal binder is recommended. Might be worth discussing with hospital team and GP? I am just wondering what was the outcome for you? Learn how CBCs are used in the treatment of breast cancer. This build-up might cause swelling and discomfort. It stimulates the main lymph drainage areas, in you tummy, back and groin. Same response as with the other reply here I saw. I WAS a 13 year survivor until last month. (doctors are currently evaluating my mom for other causes, including ovarian cancer). For example, you might not be able to lift your arms above your head for a period of time during your recovery. Performing specific exercises after a mastectomy or breast reconstruction can help keep the range of motion in your shoulder and arm, relieve stiffness and pain, and reduce swelling. Registered Office: Fifth Floor, Ibex House, 4247 Minories, London EC3N 1DY. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. Over my 5 years of treatment I have found that you need to be proactive with your treatment and my doctors have been very receptive to answering questions. I felt lucky about their cancer assessment, but I couldn't get the information or education for lymphedema I requested. Most surgeons seem to feel that the area settles more quickly if it is left to absorb into the surrounding tissues naturally. Hopefully the burping and passing gas is the beginning of your relief and your bowels will follow. This may be 2 weeks or longer. May I ask if you had reconstruction after your mx? Kaiser also offers their patients an "after breast surgery" training class by the physical therapy department whereupon one does a series of stretching, core, weight training (stretch bands and free weights), and then finishing with stretching exercises. Owned and operated by CharityUSA.com, LLC. I am also really having a hard time losing 15 pounds which I need to do. So consensus seems to be to talk to either GP or BCN, it won't just settle on its own? I am so sorry you have gone through all of that without the doctors or nurses explaining the future possibilities. As such, you may want to look for a comfortable, but supportive, chair to sleep in during the early stages of your recovery. Repeat this movement 5 times. Good Luck and return to your doctor and get it diagnosed and sorted. I had to fight with the doctors to get care and ultimately had to take it upon myself to get PT and massage therapy (which I had to pay for myself) because they kept saying I didn't have it. Surprised how many women are experiencing abdominal bloating. Infections can happen with any surgery. My lymphedema is mild because I avoid triggers, practice MLD, have a Flexitouch pump system to use as needed, know what physical exercises to do to help, know how to short-stretch bandage if necessary, and finally wear a compression sleeve during exercise or exertion. I've lost nearly a stone since the op, and have been going to the gym three times a week. This results in nerve endings being shredded. It is still early days for you after your operation, so you can expect it to still be slightly tender and swollen. Any ideas? Also, try walking to help. However, it is important to remember that it is generally not harmful. yes . I know it doesnt seem long, but three years is still three years and it feels good. Learn the signs and symptoms of metastasis, how you can make yourself as comfortable as possible, and tips for managing end-of-life symptoms. I am paying the price now and 'paying' includes pain, anxiety and huge bills from my hospital stay and follow ups (I'm just 62 now and so no medicare to soften the financial blow). If you belong to a medical group, they may be able to recommend a physical therapist, but you do want someone knowledgeable in lymph massage. My belly swells and goes down. Keep a close, very close eye on any cuts (even the". It's most often felt in the areas of the chest wall, armpit, or arm. They are not keen to remove the fluid unless it is essential, as it tends to build up again quite quickly. Its a long post but there just seems to be so little info available that I wanted to share. I too had 'mild' lymphedema.now I have hand and arm damage and it's not so mild. Also, some elastic type shorts that come up to belly button and that have a wide elastic band for waist. How are you feeling after your mastectomy? I know they cut all of the muscles and nerves and they never recover completely. Thank you. In addition to general pain or discomfort, its possible to feel: Chronic pain after a mastectomy may be more common in people who: There are many potential treatments for chronic pain after mastectomy. Because everyone experiences pain differently, the intensity and duration can vary between individuals. The recovery from mastectomy is different for everyone. All Rights Reserved. Most people recover from a mastectomy without complications. I am not fat just looks like a have a basketball under my shirt. I feel so relieved knowing what this is and how to take care of it. How long will I be recovering from a mastectomy? Hearing the words, You have cancer, creates many emotional scars. However, its more swollen on one side and I am experiencing pain. Also given the line that it just looks bigger because you have no breasts. After time, you will gain back that range of motion assisted by exercise. Even after all that, we still dont know everything or we just simply forgot in amongst all that information being thrown our direction. In some cases, numbness may be temporary and fade over time as you heal, although your surgical scar itself will often remain permanently numb. Now I will insist on therapy for abdomen as well as arms. Doing so can help your recovery go as smoothly as possible. Interested in more discussions like this? In some cases, the skin and tissue need to be augmented with a breast implant to achieve the desired breast size. Complete your request online or contact us by phone. The nurses/techs give you bs when you ask for proper treatment.you cant get lymphedema if you only have 1 node removedyou wont get if after 10 yearsyou wont get it if they take blood from your handthey cant take blood pressure in your legit goes on and on. Im going to email my surgeons with all those questions you dont ask at the time ! For some people, this may be about 10 days after surgery. You should go to a certified lymphedema therapist, or CLT. I've just had a CT scan. Connection & Conversation: Open for the holidays. But I am glad I found this forum and got information about what I am possibly having. I am 5 days post mastectomy and level 2 axillary node clearance. Its also common to feel a bit nauseous from the anesthesia. All Rights Reserved. However, recovery can be longer for some individuals, potentially taking months. Go to the Breast Cancer Support Group. Its lymphatic, not gastrointestinal. My left ankle has been swelling in hot weather but is not swollen this morning. Following bilateral Mx I had failed implants and was completely flat.My tummy appeared to be really fat,as wasn't balanced out. Some examples of things to pack are: Recovering from a mastectomy can be physically and emotionally challenging at times. I couldn't believe the bloat I had. I am one of the lucky ones. This might happen after your nurse removes the wound drain if you have one. When you open up your body, youre leaving yourself exposed. Connection & Conversation: Open for the holidays. Also given the line that it just looks bigger because you have no breasts. Learn more. Dressings. I am not a medic so dont know. I woke up from the first surgery with it. Its possible that you may go home with one or more surgical drains. You will know if you develop a seroma. She did Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD). I haven't been horrendously uncomfortable most of the time. Not standard mastectomy. With this in mind, try to prep your house and supplies ahead of time. Pain immediately after your mastectomy will make you feel like you were crushed by a ton of bricks. Right after surgery, you're limited in your range of motion from the inflammation and tissue healing in your body. Take your time, but dont ignore the muscles. Do you think I would benefit from a chest and abdominal binder? I'm not familiar with the details of this type of procedure or the complication which has occurredjust very sorry you have found yourself in this situation. The hospital and my surgeon said", "I have mild lymphedema in one arm after a bilateral mastectomy where seventeen lymph nodes were", "@chamisa See my post below. so glad it's not just me!!!! Youll likely need to wait 3 to 4 weeks before resuming other types of exercise. Thank you, @carr. Was told it would get better. I bought them from Dick's Sporting Goods Store. Hahaha. Ugh. The hospital and my surgeon said the swelling was not swelling, they said my stomach appeared to me to be swollen because I did not have breasts. Try to have a loved one get the prescription filled when youre on your way home, so youll have it on hand if you need it. Studies have shown that between 20% and 30% of women develop symptoms of PMPS after surgery. Goodbye surgeon. Good luck and persevere it is your body and you that needs to live with it. I had a mastectomy and few lymph nodes removal nearly 7 weeks ago and have exactly the same symptoms you have described. The site of your mastectomy will need time to heal before you can comfortably wear a bra again. I'd put it down to the fact that now the boob has gone, I can see this side of my stomach - but not the other, where I still have a boob. You can do research about them on Google to understand how they work. What happens after breast surgery. HealthTap uses cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes. I had a double mastectomy with no reconstruction about 3.5 years ago. This was at a cancer center that was connected to a hospital that had a trauma center! I think you must consult a doctor on this as they can suggest you something after propec checkups and test reports. My dx is Colon Cancer w/ liver mets - 8 tumors spread throughout liver so resection of liver not an option, nor is transplant. I've lost 2 inches off each thigh and can't keep my trousers up, but my upper tummy just stays distended. The swell spots are sewn in a way for the lymph veins go move the lymphatics along. After researching this phenomenon online, I think that it must be due to the antibiotic I will finish today. Support those fighting Breast Cancer at The Breast Cancer Site for free! Did you get a response? Its important to talk with your surgeon about which specific activities you can do when you get home. Its also possible that you may be offered physical therapy during your recovery period. Lymphedema is a build-up of lymph fluid in the fatty tissues just under your skin. It may take time to regain that muscle strength. Its hard to feel anything in the breast area: an accidental brush of someones arm walking by, something poking through your t-shirt or bra, even the intimate moments between you and your significant other are hard to detect. lynn critelli pajama party, lidl pork schnitzel cooking instructions, detrimental reliance florida, when you walk away from a cancer man, trevor lewis upenn, police logs groveland ma, washington township board of education, alberta golden bears football roster 2021, human resources magazine, white mortar vs buff mortar, tucson sugar skulls salary, ouellet baseboard heaters, homemade ice cream recipe for ice cream maker, sprout mortgage shutting down, tony battie wife,

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